Shape Grammars is an ongoing research on how a simple geometric process can generate forms of great complexity when repeatedly employed.
The form starts off as a cube of six faces. A single rule is employed to divide each face into smaller faces and each next iteration follows this identical rule. The studies begin with simple self-devised subdivision processes and proceed to explore known algorithms such as the Catmull–Clark.
The project aims to question what a designed object is or should be and allows degrees of unpredictability in the final surface and overall form.

Two identical subdivision processes on a cube, with different sets of weights.

The first nine iterations of a modified Catmull–Clark algorithm on a cube, with addition of weighted face, edge and corner points and possibility of extrusion. (iteration amplitudes: g1 3.6, g2 1.0, g3 0.2, g4 3.8, g5 3.8, g6 1.3, g7 1.0, g8 1.0, g9 1.0).