Four one–hour recordings are made in four main locations of the divided city of Nicosia.
The empty canvas follows a subdivision process driven by the numerical values of the city’s soundscape. As the output moves towards ambiguity and all recognizable elements disappear, the observer is confronted with an abstract map that no longer carries cultural characteristics of ‘this’ or ‘the other’ community, nor does it force comparative connotations. It is instead offered as an unsolvable riddle, a new kind of city map generated by the city itself.
The produced drawing’s constellations emerge at manifold scales, as the algorithms determine the overall form as well as generate the various microscopic details. The drawings, though computationally designed, exist as such only in printed form, where the visibility of each of their components is directly related to the observer’s distance.
Exhibited at Athens Digital Arts Festival [GR] and at Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum [UK]. (Prints, 120x120cm)